apa masalah saya.
apa masalah awak.
apa masalah ummah.
bermasalah sangat ke?
jangan jaga tepi kain orang boleh? kubur nanti asing asing.
suka hati aku la. hidup aku.
alah, hidup ini sementara, enjoy ah.
muda muda ni aku nak enjoy. umur akur panjang lagi. tua nanti aku taubat la.
Will we still act the way we're acting now if we know about the real meaning of this life. If we know about what will face once death decides to visit us. If we know about the real terrors of the azab in the akhirah that Allah has promises for those who strays from His path and the ni'mat that Allah has promised for those who are righteous? Will we?
seandainya kita tahu hakikat yang sebenar, adakah kita akan kekal seperti hari ini?
Take and analyse the message from Surah Al Asr.
"Demi Masa"
"Sesungguhnya manusia itu berada di dalam kerugian"
"kecuali mereka yang beriman dan melakukan amalan soleh dan menasihat nasihati ke arah kebenaran dan menasihat nasihati ke arah kesabaran"
Tbh, everytime i read that surah, i feel sad. incredibly sad and ashamed. segan. It's one of the most frequent surah recited by us i believe. Yet, have we ever take the essence of the message that lies in the surah?
The surah tells us to use the time we have to:
1. get closer to Allah the Almighty
2. Do good deeds
3. Advice others towards the better. Da'wah to society.
4. Advice others to be patient. Be patient for only the patient ones will win.
5. Don't waste your time with things that doesn't benefit you!
You may interpret the surah in your own unique way but the main core of this surah is basically our life is meaningless, useless, unless we live righteously according to Islam.
Do we want to be part of those whose life are pointless in this world?
The message is simple, use the time you have wisely.
Death can come anywhere.
The graves are full with people who wished they do more ibadah and do more good deeds when they were still alive.
Open the news and you'll see death of young people, old people, people your age. None but Allah knows when our death will be. No one can predict their own death. Siapa kata orang muda tak boleh mati muda? ada je. ada. That's reality. It's up to us now. It's up to us to use the time we have to it's best extend.
Remember Rasulullah's advice :
"Take advantage of five matters before five other matters:
your youth, before you become old;
and your health, before you fall sick;
and your richness, before you become poor;
and your free time before you become busy;
and your life, before your death"