Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My random friend

dear folks ~
I'm pretty pretty sure that all of you have friends right ?
friends that always make u smile even though you are far away from him/her :)

well .. I do =D
I have a lot of friends .
but this random person who has been given the name Zenith.M.Sabrina  is the randomest , funniest and best'est friend ever ! x)

both of us just has SO many things in common that it's just simply AMAZING xD

even though we only known each other for 1 year and we haven't met for like AGES .. it's still a miracle that both of us are still close and we talk the about the randomest thing ever .. haha ^_^

I was kinda in a bad mood yesterday but after chatting with her on FB , I cheered up :)

so.. thanks  Zenith :3
even though u don't know it . You actually made my day . Haha ;)

whatever happens . 
I wish and hope that we will be always be the 'random buddies' 
and have all those random conversations at the randomest of time together x)

and I know this is impossible but I REALLY wish that we could meet up again someday . 
THAT would be freaking awsome ! xD

I miss u SOOO much !
take care my friend ..
me love you =)

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is impossible! ^-^ kk, I love you too ♥



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