Monday, February 6, 2012

Thank You

Always , always be grateful for everything you have .
Even the smallest & lamest things .

We're humans . We have our ups & downs but believe me ALL of that happened for a reason :')
Those heartbreaking moments where you felt like your life is over <-- Those moments are a test from Allah the Almighty , to test the strength of your Iman , to see how strong you are , to make you EVEN MORE stronger , to prepare you for your future & the afterworld .

Try to make this a word compulsory in our daily life --> Thank you :)
Saying thanks to someone is a sign that you're grateful for what they did to you even though they all they did was picking up your pen from the floor :') Saying thanks to someone make them feel happy & appreciated .
We all want to be appreciated right ? 
So why not make someone feel appreciated first :))
Be the first one to say "Thank you"
Believe me .. people like that word and the result is satisfying too =)


1 comment:

  1. The fish down there are more entertainment than this post~


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