Wednesday, April 11, 2012

That feeling

That feeling you get when you suddenly feel the urge to take a pen and write down whatever you want to write on the spot . I posted a post before telling people about my imaginative self and now all of a sudden , I have this urge to type type and type . Times like this is when I feel like I have been eating too many sugars because right now , my IMAGINE level is at the highest level ;) well actually I think it was at the highest a few minutes a go , but now , slowly , it's decreasing as the clock is ticking .

Each and everyone of us have their own abilities and specialties . I've seen people who claim that they are untalentless yet have so many talents in them . Talents and specialties that are waiting for the arrival of their masters and mistresses to groom them to their best abilities ;) Allah SWT is fair . He knows what is best for us . He knows us better than we actually do because He is the one who created us in the 1st place . Keep THAT in mind :)

Although until now , until this very moment , I still honestly don't really know what MY talent and specialties is .  That's why , sometimes I feel embarassed and pissed of myself . Sometimes I think I know what my talent is but sometimes I do not . Looking at myself now and looking at other people who are or had been in the same age as me now makes me wonder , am I overrated ? lol . Weird . Why do I think that ? It's because some people out there have high expectations for me , praised me , respect me  . They think that I'm smart etc etc . but in the end , I failed their expectations . See how depressing that is ? See how crushing that is ? I feel like I'm such a failure sometimes yet such a winner at others . Hey you know what , THAT is normal :) THAT is what you call LIFE ;) In life , there will always be those crushing depressing dramatically sad moment but there are also those happy cheerful bright satisfied exciting moments .

No matter what , chin up people ! Keep that beautiful dazzling smile on your face and don't let ANYTHING or ANYONE to take it away from you because THAT SMILE belongs to you and you only ;) Cheer up , things may not look good right now but always know that there will be no rainbow without rain , Allah SWT knows what is best for you . Stay calm . InsyaAllah , things will turn out fine and YOU will come out stronger and better than ever ;)

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