It's such a bliss knowing that you have a family who will always back you up no matter what.
It's such a bliss knowing that you are surrounded with great people who always motivates you to become a better person.
It's such a bliss knowing that you have friends who never fail to make you smile and forget about all those depressing stuff :')
It's such a bliss knowing that every good deed you do will help you to go to the best place ever! (heaven)
It's even more blissful knowing the fact that whenever you feel sad or broken, you can always always tell your problems and pour everything out to the best listener ever, Allah SWT :') and he will always be there, listening to your complaints and stories, will always be there watching your every step and whenever you need Him, He will be there no matter what you do. Subhanallah.
This world is in fact full with blessings from Allah SWT which we somehow lots of times, ignore those blessings because we were too focused on our life in THIS world and forgot about our life in the infinite world .
Look at those flowers, look at those clouds, look at those green grasses and plants, look at the birds, feel the comfort of having a family with you when thousands out there, already lost theirs. Feel the safety and comfort of actually having a proper place to live in when thousands are living in jeopardy and without a proper soft bed to sleep in every night. The fact that you have air-conditioners and fans is a bliss itself coz many are living under the scorching heat,suffering. Water, isn't that a bliss itself? Now, for those who are living in a country without wars and the sound of bombs and bullets ringing in their ears. Haven't you ever thought how great that is?, how blissful that is? The fact that you can just go out and no one will shoot you or stuff. Isn't that just amazing. Bliss.
My point is, look at the bright side, close your eyes and feel how blessed and blissful your life is compared to those who are suffering even worst than your worst out there. Appreciate it all before you wish you appreciated it.
Peace be upon you :)
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