Sunday, December 16, 2012


haha to all of you who makes it a norm to underestimate people.

haha to all of you who thinks that looks can justify everything,


Looks aren't something that a person can easily alter or throw away. Looks are something that every beaings grow up with. It's something that has been given to them and you.

Some people may look mean but truth is, they are one of the most kindhearted people alive.
Some people may look dense but truth is, they inherits a mind sharper than any geniuses out there.
Some people may look ugly but truth is, they are owners of the kindest and purest heart ever.

Ever hear of the quote saying 

"Don't judge a book by its cover"?

Same goes to us human beings. We shouldn't judge when we don't know. Simple as that. Judgements are a pain. Words can kill. So before you go off judging and torturing people with your words, stop for a bit and go laugh at yourself no matter how crazy that sounds.

Laugh at yourself because you did something stupid but be guilty over the hearts you had scarred because of your selfishness or ignorance or whatever it may be.

I'm not a saint. I'm a human. I have flaws, some I can try change and some will somehow always be there but hey, why mourn over it. Just embrace the flaws wholeheartedly because in the end, no one is flawless and if you still chose to stay in a state of denial over your flaws then your life will be full of misery sooner or later or maybe even now. Haha do I care? No. Whatever path you decide to go on, it will be your choice. There'll always be people who will try to offer you a helping hand, advices and some tips or whatever, but in the end the choice is all yours and the path you take will be your own battle. A battle whom no one can randomly interfere unless some miracle happens. 

You know what's the best thing to do after you went through a tough day full of misjudgements and other ridiculous stuff you don't even want to talk about? Laugh out loud like a crazy person or just simply smile and move on to other stuff that fills your heart with ease.


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