Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Really. What is da'wah?

is it like giving advices like we usually do?
is it those tazkirah they do after prayers at the mosque?
is it all those islamic forums they held?
is it the 30 min ustaz Don they showed on tv Al Hijrah?
is it those motivations we always hear at
is it those islamic songs we hear on the radio?

ladies and gentleman, the answer for all i stated above is yes.

Da'wah was never made to be put in a little box.
Da'wah can in any form, any way.
Da'wah is not simply listening to people preaching. No.

Da'wah can be in the form of your attire.
The way you talk.
The way you crack up jokes.
The way you interact with others.
They way you eat.
The way you sleep even.
The contents you tweet on twitter.
The pictures you reblogged on tumblr.
The way you vlog on youTube.

yada yada yada.

Be creative ya ikhwah.

If you think you're not fit enough or feel as if the burden is too much for you to da'wah to others then okay. Here's my advice, i'm not a scholar or anything. I do know one thing though, all of as muslims have responsibilities to spread and deliver the beautiful message of Islam to others.Yes. We don't have all the knowledge about Islam yet but is that an excuse?

Let me give you a story.
In a normal school in a non muslim country lies a young boy.
So in his school, there's a couple of muslimah wearing hijab and covering their aurah.

As years past, as non muslim girls start wearing more daring and striking stuff,
the muslimah's on contrary, covered up even more.

The boy was fascinated. He looked up about Islam. He discovered the beauty of Islam. He reverted to Islam. Until today, the reason why he reverted to Islam is because of those young muslimah's who never even talked to this boy. They probably don't even know him yet, they manage to unconciously da'wah to that guy thus reverting him to the straight path Masha Allah :')

See now,
it's so simple.

Wanna make it easier?
follow our prohet Muhammad's example :')
everything he does is for our benefit, for us to follow. The ultimate guide.

You may not be spreading Islam verbally BUT through your actions.
Da'wah can be in any form.
Remember that.

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