it's a common knowledge among muslims to know that the ummah living on earth right now is the last ummah and ultimately the best ummah. the last ummah yet the 1st ummah to enter paradise. The ummah of Prohet Muhammad saw.
As one of them, we should all be enlightened by that knowledge and strive for the better in this world and hereafter.
You see, even Prophet Moses a.s wants to a part of the ummah of Prohet Muhammad saw.
You see, even Prophet Moses a.s wants to a part of the ummah of Prohet Muhammad saw.
Prophet Moses a.s said "My lord! I find in the Tablets (Torah) the mention of an Ummah that is the best Ummah ever evolved for the guidance of mankind, who enjoins good and forbids wrong. My Lord! Make them my Ummah." Allah said: "They are the Ummah of Ahmad."
He said again: "My Lord! I find in the Tablets the mention of an Ummah whose Scriptures are in their chest which they recite. Those who were before them, could only read their Book by looking in them, and when they close their Book could not read it, nor know it. They are capable of memorising it which no people of the past could do it. My Lord make them my Ummah." Allah said: "They are the Ummah of Ahmad."
Then he said: "My Lord! I find in the Tablets the mention of an Ummah who believe in the First Book and in the last Book. They fight against misguidance, till they fight the greater liar of one-eyed (Dajjal), My Lord! Make them my Ummah." Allah said: They are the Ummah of Ahmad."
Then he said: "My Lord! I find in the Tablets the mention of an Ummah who believe in the First Book and in the last Book. They fight against misguidance, till they fight the greater liar of one-eyed (Dajjal), My Lord! Make them my Ummah." Allah said: They are the Ummah of Ahmad."
Once again, he said: "My Lord! I find in the Tablets the mention of an Ummah who could eat their charity, and can still be rewarded. But before them, when other people gave something in charity, and it was accepted. Allah sent a fire which consumed it, and if it was left, it was eaten by predators and wild birds. And this charity is designed to be taken from their rich to their poor. My Lord! Make them my Ummah." Allah said: "They are the Ummah of Ahmad."
Then Prophet Moses a.s said: "My Lord! My Lord! I find in the Tablets the mention of an Ummah, if one of them had an intention to do good, and he could not do it, he will still get the reward of ten to seven hundred folds. My Lord! Make them my Ummah." Allah said: "They are the Ummah of Ahmad."
Prophet Moses a.s said: "My Lord! I find in the Tablets the mention of an Ummah who could intercede, and for whom intercession had been made. My Lord! Make them my Ummah." Allah said: "They are the Ummah of Ahmad."
dear.. i think something is missing here.. try checking it again yeah.. btw nice post! :D
ReplyDelete"He said again: "My Lord! I find in the Tablets the mention of an Ummah whose Scriptures are in their chest which they recite. Those who were before them, could only read their Book by looking in them, and when they close their Book could read it, nor know it. They are capable of memorising it which no people of the past could do it. My Lord make the my Ummah." Allah said: "They are the Ummah of Ahmad.""
aww thank you munierah! :D