Yes . Just keep swimming , fight the strong waves , go forth , don't look back , keep swimming.
Let's make each day a meaningful day so that one day when we look back about our past , we can smile , satisfied , no regrets ;)
We live in a society where people tend to judge others by their looks without knowing their story causing others who has been misjudged to be looked down even though they did nothing wrong leading them to depression , sadness and when they can't face it anymore , suicide .
The harsh judgements of society causes some teenagers to run away from them by drugs , smoking , alcohol , which in the end will harm themselves . Some are scared of revealing their true selves , afraid of the society . therefore put on a mask , pretending they are someone who they aren't which in the end will not result into something they want instead they will be pushed down a darker hole full of unhappiness .
Though society can kill the teenagers , there's also a part which is not tainted by the cruelness and darkness of the rest . That part where you can only find if you open your eyes and look around . You'll notice those people that cared for you , those people that love you for who you are , those people who knows about the real you . Those people that actually have a heart .
Be thankful for the bad things in your life , for they open your eyes to the good things you weren't paying attention to before ,
NEVER stop moving forward .
From now on , wake up in the morning with a smile and be grateful that you are still alive in this beautiful world . No matter what is waiting for you , just face it . Be brave . Nothing good will come by running away . Absolutely nothing. Whenever you're feeling down ,stop whatever you're doing for a few minutes , calm down , relax your mind , breathe in breathe out , everything's gonna be okay ;) Never let the dark side get you ~
and guess what ?
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