My preacious collections of books :)
I love to read ever since I was a lil kid . :3
There's just something about books that captivate me ..
whenever I'm bored or lonely I'll either read or use my laptop xP
My family knows about my love in reading so they always buy me a new book for me to read and add to my collections x) what can I say ~ my family is just SUPER amazing .
Oh and The Hunger Games you see in the pic is NOT mine. It belongs to my senior, kak Kamalia :)
I just borrow it and will return it next month.
When I was little as in when I was still in kindergartens and primaries I love to read Enid Blyton's collections all those magical fantasy stuff xD
I remember the 1st book written in english that my mom bought for me was Enid Blyton's The Faraway Tree Stories :)
During that time I think I was in either P1 or P2 and when I saw the book I was like o.0 do I need to read that ! lol xP Seriously ~ the book was thick and never in my life at that time read a book that thick but I gave it a shot and... guess what ! From then on , I fell in love with Enid Blyton's collection and now I have like loads of those books and I can even organize em by their colours :3
Later when I got a lil bit older around P4 I started to develop an interest in novels but NOT those lovey dovey grown up novels but those novels made for kids xp hah .
Then as I entered P6 I started to enjoy reading those adventure,mystery,scary and action based stories and novels . Let's just say that I got more matured :3 hahaaa ~
Basically , reading is one of the most important things in my life coz I don't know ? I just LOVE to read . lol
How many times did I say LOVE in this post :P lol.
Anyways !
Anyways !
whenever my family or somebody else bought me a book I'll immediately read the book and finish em as quickly as possible even though I have been advised to read SLOWLY ... gahh .. no !!! I just HAVE to finish the book esp. if that book is really good and have an amazing plot x)
Then I'll keep it on my bookshelves and will read it again when I feel like it .
Sadly , some of my books had to be given away coz there's too many and my mom wanted to persuade my cousins to read more english books so she give my books to them coz somehow most of my cousins doesn't like to read english books no matter how much I persuade them =.= don't they know how much they are missing ?!
They don't even read Harry potter or Percy Jackson or The Hunger Games or Warriors or .. well yea you got my point . pfft.
Anyways .. me reading english books doesn't mean that I don't read Malay books ^^
There's also load of great books written in Malay such as Impiana , Dear Yayah , the Aku Mahu novels etc.
I also have a collection of those xD wooohoooo ~
Just today I finished Impiana 3 and I can't wait to read the fourth and final one ;)
lalalalaa ~
lalalalaa ~
Reading ~ such joy .
Even though I love to read, that doesn't mean that I am obsessed with it and not do anything else besides reading. I love going out to get some fresh air and to relax and have fun, going out to adventures,spending time with my family and friends and playing with my cute lil nephew Iyad<3 and many many other things such as eating ^^ LOL
So even though I may be a bookworm, I'm a very healthy, happy and active one ;)
say cheese ! :D
say cheese ! :D
Besides , reading is very good thing to do rather than wasting your day surfing internet and watching tv.You may gain a lot of useful knowledge by reading, even though you read fictional stories. Yup, you'll gain writing skills and learn more vocabs and you'll have an idea of how to write stories. True facts right ;))
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